Friday, 6 April 2012

Q2 - Reflective Evaluation

Representation of Friday The 13


The victim within the film belongs to the social group of older teenagers, both male and female and race is British. In terms of gender, age and race the victims follow the stereotype. However in most slasher movies, the female is likely to be the first victim and killer male, but in Friday the 13Th the killer and the first victim both is male. This somehow challenges the  stereotype as in the clip but only the female but the male is show vulnerable and weak.Race is very typical as in most slasher film people are likely to be white. As well as age, most victims are young or older teenagers.


Our choice of actors are both male and female. We have chosen the male as the threat and the female as his first victim. This is because in most slasher movies the man is killer and female are his the first victim, this way it appeals to the audience more as stereotypical y the male is strong and big and female is vulnerable and weak. Audience will be scared of the threat but well sympathetic towards the victim. This is more likely to happen with an female victim then a male victim.

The story relates to the sub-genre in terms of the story-line, dialogue and action within the film. E.g. the script starts with 2 people chatting and someone stalking from the gates. It explains the atmosphere, mood and feeling within the place. The dialogue reflects what the characters are talking about and their purpose of going towards the woods. It gives an idea from the beginning where the story will lead to. However only towards the end of the scene it is identified what the sub genre is. It keeps the audience puzzled and interested. The storyboard has helped us to build up the idea, how will it begin and end. E.g there are 4 scenes within the opening. First the playground, entry of characters and reason to enter the woods, second the victims walking in to the woods and first victim being suspicious, third still being suspicious and both splits up and forth is one of the victims being killed. It helped us with the process of what will happen in each scene.

The target audience for The Woods is old teenagers and male because it appeals to old teenagers and male more then any other targeted audience, in terms of story, characters, location etc. 

We have come to these conclusion after watching and researching types of slasher film e.g Halloween, Friday The 13Th etc.

Construction and Feedback

Comparing Scene 4, where the first victim is killed. The both scenes, Friday The 13Th and The Woods representative is clearly identified from scene 4 because of action, and characters used within the film.

It shows the representative of genre - male(killer being male killing someone) and age - 16 to 25(adult teenage characters) because of the use of  violence in the sequence which are most likely to appeals to those representative.


The feedback from the audience in terms of age was more effective then in terms of gender. Most of the audience thought the age is 16 and 17 and female. This is because there was not much or strong use of violence used to appeal the older audience and male. 

Al through the audience identified it was a slasher/thriller film but according to the audience there should have been a prepare murder - the killer holding a knife and killing the female victim aggressively, the face of the murder should be hidden and victim should be shown killed such as screaming and blood being over the place.

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