Thursday, 15 March 2012

Reseaching SLASHER characters

Characters within slasher films are mostly organized in a such way in which there is a hero, killer, adults, victims and a final girl who always survive.

The Hero: The main character is usually a female and the most quiet, possibly nervous one. She/he is usually not involved in illegal action, don't have sex and do not exhibit rebellious behavior, unlike their friends. If someone like their friend goes missing, they are likely to notice it. The hero is alway aware of the killer, while their friends busy having fun. In the middle of the movie when 2 or 3 friends gets killer, the hero and other fight the killer. At the end of the movie when most people die, the hero murders the killer and is saved by the police/help/adults.

The Killer:  The killer in the slasher film is usually male.  His identity is often unknown and/or identified either by a mask and specific costume. He is often mute and seemingly unstoppable, able to endure stabbings and shootings by his victimsHe is usually very strong, big and almost impossible to kill. His background sometimes includes a childhood trauma that explains his choice of victim, weapon and location. Slasher villains tend to prefer hand held weapons such as knives and axes. Only towards the end killer is identified and knows of his real motivation to kill.

The Victims:  The victims tend to be young, attractive, high school or college-aged adolescents. Theorists claim that it is because of the type of activities they play makes the victims unaware of their unusual environment, makes it easy for the killer to murder. The violence often takes place during or after sexual activities.

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